Later on in the weekend we went over to our friends ranch. Jared and I got to ride and just hang out with some good friends of ours. It was a busy exhausting weekend for the both of us! We were glad to get home and just put our feet up. It's taken a little time this week to recover from the weekend! I think we are truly getting old! Speaking of getting old....Jared's 25th birthday is on Friday! Yea the insurance will go down!! hehe...the exciting things in life we now look forward to!
Well I left everyone on the last post with some houses....they were quite a disappointment to both of us...just keep looking!! We'll find one at some point! Maybe the one that I really like will still be on the market in a few months and we can low ball them!!! fingers crossed!!
Here are some pictures of our new but old china cabinet. Jared's grandmother got this one for us. It was left in her storage place but we are very happy to inherit it! Jared's dad fixed a broken door and made it look a lot better! It's probably close to 100 years old if not more! It's pretty cool!! Eventually I want to get the A&M and Baylor plate to match my OSU one (thanks mom and dad). I started to look for a Baylor plate today...but no's hard to find Baylor goodies..but A&M ones are so easy!!!
Ok I rented a DVD that Jared wanted to watch so this is a quickie post! Hope you enjoy the pictures~