Well it seems like forever since the last post! I know i've been busy recooping from vacation..work..life it's very consuming sometimes! Well let me just say...we had a GREAT vacation in Arkansas! I did however manage to create a shutterfly album of the entire week! Should ship this week! Yea! I think that is going to be my way of "scrapbooking"! I just don't have it in me to sit for hours...days...weeks on end buying papers, stickers, trinkets, plus develop pictures to put in an album! I must say though I do appreciate the time that goes into those books but it's not for me! It's all you Laura! I do enjoy looking at them though! But I found a way to make the shutterfly books a little scrapbook like...I put some of the scrapbooking stickers and cute little figurines in the book! Get this...i just did that to our honeymoon album--yea like 1.5 years later--like i told Jared better late than never! We cleaned out the office closet and i found where i had bought some of those..or maybe my mom did and i put them in our album! But once the vacation one comes in i'll try to get those stickers put in on little more timely bases!
Well Arkansas was great! like i said before! It's so relaxing to spend a week with family in Arkansas with no real schedule and go fishing, boating, skiing, jet skiing, eat, eat, eat did i mention we ate a lot! It's not like a cruise where there's a lot of quantity not quality...but at Grandma's house there is is quanitity and QUALITY! Everyday she was cooking up something yummy! My pants got a little tighter each day of vacation...but we won't really dwell on that! We also go to see Tom and Laura's new house in Republic, MO. WE had fun getting to roam around on 10 acres, swim, and drive the jeep! I never really understood Jared's obsession with jeeps, but boy get the top off, the doors off, and just cruise---it's quite an experience! I dedicated a whole page in the album to the JEEP! yes jared was thrilled! Jared's grandma joined us on the trip too! I think she had a good time spending time with the Reubin gang and seeing the country side of Arkansas! Oh and jet skiing for the first time! If you don't believe me you should go by All Seasons Storage in Sugar Land and see the 8X10 picture! Yes we have proof!
Well since Arkansas, we have been busy at Work. Jared went to Seattly the other day to see a client! He saw the famous fish market and drove around a bit! He like it though...a little to nuts and berry's for his liking! This weekend we joined a several couples in a multi family garage sale! We got rid of a few things that were taking up valuable closet space and the rest of the weekend was spent napping, cleaning house, and yard work! I am really impressed with how fast our grass can grow! Our new sod is looking fabulous and the backyard is amazingly green! we are supposed to get rain this week....i have one comment for that BRING IT ON! we need it so bad! Other than that we're pretty much just the ususal! We leave in 2 weeks to go on our river float trip! It should be fun we have 7 couples from either church, Jared's work, and college friends going! We rented a house that will accomodate us all and should have a really good time! Even if the house does have green shag carpet that you have to rake! hehe!
I'll try to keep my post a little more frequent!